Carved Halloween pumpkin Jack-o’-lantern mockup templates to elevate your Halloween designs
What is a Jack-O-lantern?
A jack-o’-lantern is a Halloween decoration created by carving a pumpkin and placing a light source like a candle or a bulb inside. Traditionally, it features a spooky face. The term has Irish origins, referring to a flickering light seen over peat bogs, linked to folklore. It’s now a symbol of Halloween festivities and creative pumpkin carving.
In this Jack-o-lantern mockup set we feature two types of yellow pumpkins in few different setups and scenes. you can easily apply any design to the pumpkin via the smart object.
it is best to keep the design simple to archive the best results. more complicated the design it will look messy and misplaced.
The applied design will reveal the light inside with a glow. this can generate Halloween themed images for your Halloween promotions, for Halloween cards, advertisements etc.
Pumpkin is a typical pumpkin used for Halloween decorations. there are two sizes of pumpkins feature in this mockup set, one large and one small.